
Ambition is the incentive that
          	Makes purpose great, 
          	And achievement greater.
          	-Orison Swett Marden


Do you ever just…miss physical contact? Like people be coming to you with their problems because you listen to them, and you say “oh I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe you can try this?” They’re like, “oh thank you so much, you really really helped me out!” And you’re like, “You’re welcome.” As you’re thinking to yourself ‘man I want someone to go to my problems with because being the person everyone else comes to for that gets really lonely without you.’ Then you get even more lonely because you don’t have someone for that, and your body is racking with shudders because you haven’t received a positive touch in 6 months that you could relax into. Yay…no touch. 


Hey do you ever find yourself just checking non-stop on if a book will update? I find myself doing this with the writer @ObsidianQuill and her books. I highly recommend!


Oh also note, not trying to bug you into updating, I just want people to se how eager I am to read your books!


Only Teen Wolf fans can appreciate this! I was at work today (retail) and I saw these 4 year old little boys that were twins. They were so adorable. One was more shy and the other more social, but both were trouble makers! It was also their birthdays, so happy birthday to them! Basically one was named ETHEN and the other was named AIDEN!!!!!! 


Hey guys, (whoever reads this) I’m starting a new fanfic! It’s PJO and just for fun but I think you guys will like it. I’m just starting so I probably won’t post until I finish most of it. Getting back into the swing of writing.