
this message may be offensive
          	Goodmorning, afternoon, or goodnight depending on wherever you are reading this from.
          	Its been a very long while, nearly a year since the last actual chapter of Gate to Nowhere was released.
          	No, this is not an announcement to say that I'm discontinuing Gate to Nowhere, but to rather fill you in and explain the past year of relative silence.
          	 • Act 3 is mostly finished, I'm checking the chapters for errors at this moment and improving on things that doesn't fit in or isn't to necessary, and the final Act (4), I'm in the middle of writing but my attention has been mainly focused on improving and proofreading Act 3.
          	 • A year is a very long time and I apologize for those who have been waiting for it to continue, but I was very busy, and that has left me lacking to find much time to write, especially with IRL problems and commitments.
          	• My intention ever since I last released the finishing chapter to Act 2, is to try and make this story the best I could, which is based on silly dreams and fantasies that are easily cringe and edgy.
          	And I had many plans for this story but I realized that I simply won't be able to fit in so many ideas on a world I'm frankly I won't be be able to even express.
          	Despite everything I feel like I'm ready to start posting chapters again, although at a slower rate than before.
          	This announcement in my eyes is unnecessary since I could just start posting again without much word, but I find that I have to at least start speaking again, especially with problems that arose in the past which I am definitely in the wrong about.
          	So I hope that I won't repeat the same mistakes again and can improve in the future.
          	Expect new chapters soon, exactly when is dependant though so bear with me.
          	—uhhh idk i don't really have a name for this acc so i'll just put in some random shit and use that as a signature from here on out
          	— ⚔5️⃣


this message may be offensive
          Goodmorning, afternoon, or goodnight depending on wherever you are reading this from.
          Its been a very long while, nearly a year since the last actual chapter of Gate to Nowhere was released.
          No, this is not an announcement to say that I'm discontinuing Gate to Nowhere, but to rather fill you in and explain the past year of relative silence.
           • Act 3 is mostly finished, I'm checking the chapters for errors at this moment and improving on things that doesn't fit in or isn't to necessary, and the final Act (4), I'm in the middle of writing but my attention has been mainly focused on improving and proofreading Act 3.
           • A year is a very long time and I apologize for those who have been waiting for it to continue, but I was very busy, and that has left me lacking to find much time to write, especially with IRL problems and commitments.
          • My intention ever since I last released the finishing chapter to Act 2, is to try and make this story the best I could, which is based on silly dreams and fantasies that are easily cringe and edgy.
          And I had many plans for this story but I realized that I simply won't be able to fit in so many ideas on a world I'm frankly I won't be be able to even express.
          Despite everything I feel like I'm ready to start posting chapters again, although at a slower rate than before.
          This announcement in my eyes is unnecessary since I could just start posting again without much word, but I find that I have to at least start speaking again, especially with problems that arose in the past which I am definitely in the wrong about.
          So I hope that I won't repeat the same mistakes again and can improve in the future.
          Expect new chapters soon, exactly when is dependant though so bear with me.
          —uhhh idk i don't really have a name for this acc so i'll just put in some random shit and use that as a signature from here on out
          — ⚔5️⃣


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Hey man,im reading your story so far,and its Alot of shit to take in,i fuckin love it,its a well written and amazing book,its just beautiful,you gotta write more man this shits AMAZING.
          ngl tho the government is kinda being dumb by not saying anything, so the leak(which is where i am rn) was to be either expected or the fallout from it shouldve been prepared,it is 9/11 2.0 but less worse,yet just as impactful or even much more impactful than 9/11 itself. Please for the love of god i hope that incompentent ass govverment is replaced by one who actually knows how to deal with PR. but like i said,beautiful ass fuckin story bro i love it


Hello, may I ask something? 


I think this is the reason why the readers were confused, because there's some unexplained plot, leaving many plot holes in your story 


@thebox417 There is mulitary. Maybe you got confused.
            King Vaughn, had created another Gate/portal, but instead of being at the original location in NYC. It is stationed not far. Allowing the Empire to make a surprise attack somewhere unexpected.
            But if you are thinking about the Gate itself in New York. There are National and NYPD Officers there 24/7.
            But it is currently sealed in the last minute due to the second attack, removing any contact and only sending vital resources like fuel, water and food by various underground lines run by AI. 
            I apologize for the mistake and should have detailed it a bit further. I hope this explains some stuff.


Why there isn't any military that guarding the other side of the gates?
            The latest chapter said that the enemy attack again from the gate 


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Okay you know what fine.
          After some thoughts and spending the whole fucking day calming down and staying out of this website I've made my decision.
          I'll continue the damn story, i just unpublished it because i was angry and ending it out of impulse.
          I will update and improve, call me fucking pussy and snowflake, but i made a stupid ass decision and instead of deleting this app, staying away from it, or just swearing at everyone
          I will just do what i just want to do, ill update and finish that story already fifty chapters completed and do it
          Not for fun or to get some trophy, just to do it because i want to, everyone is entitled to their own opinions about how i handled criticism. 
          But sometimes people have their breaking point. You never have gotten angry and something before?
          That was something i just experienced, i am not here to make myself pitied, i am here, responding to everything about Gate to Nowhere. 
          I WILL update the story and publish it once i again, i just need time and goddamn patience so this thing won't be hogging my mind 24/7
          And sorry if i made everyone made angry or pissed off, You know what. I'll just stay quiet from now on, anyone then has a problem about the story or doesn't make sense.
          Then kindly explain so i would be better inquired to change the grammar, story, or other mistake
          I have a own life to fucking live and I'm surely i won't be spending the rest of it writing this small little project, and other personal problems like schoolwork and family issues i need to focus alot more at than here.
          I don't care whether i spoiled it already, i just preplanned so much stuff and was scared to see it go to waste.
          Good day. And i apologize for the last time.


@Hahplsno just ignore it, or try. Besides most of this comments i read are mostly dumb or sort off convincing


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@Hahplsno And would you rather let me ignore everything, just continue or making a big deal out of everything? Or delete hate comments?
            So for say anything you want, spam for all i care, but at I'm not trying to ruin the experiences of someone else new to this site.
            I am just uploading this story to a website filled with a hundred similar things. You don't like the style of writing or how the story goes?
            Fine by me. There is plenty of other stories online. I'm not afraid to shit and criticize on my own works. 
            I already hate myself enough and just trying to improve it whatever thats left and move on and learn without making a big deal.
             Otherwise i would be on Twitter.


@Hahplsno Okay then. I'll take all of that, and just focus solely in improving this story. I am fine with criticism and not worried about people saying whatever at my face
            But i am making and uploading this book without hesitation, it is just basic instinct to be at least calm down when you spot a mistake.
            I don't get really pissed all the time and always try for an option to understand the mistake and fix it or at least explain
            I'll pour research if anything is wrong, or try to change the words if anything doesn't make any sense. Spelling mistake i'll go over and read again if anything is wrong. That was the problem of the first time i uploaded the story.
            Not taking criticism was the problem like you said.
            And for godsakes. I don't need pity, I dont want to beg for whatever.
            Just peace and quiet so i can just focus on something i like to do. And others can read without having to get caught with drama.