Lmao you're last chat was on Feb 15. How you been??

@HaikyuuTraashh GURL DONT EVEN. It's okay if ya don't update, I'm just here to check up on ya:3 BUT DAMN THO ABOUT YOUR YANDERE TSUKKI FIC (my sweet) NEVER HAVE I EVER FELT SO APPALLED, ASTONISHED, SHOOK, SHOCK, SURPRISED, AND SPEECHLESS. The chapter I think 25? Something. Tha part where Tsukki said along the lines of "you seem to have a lot on your mind y/n. What's up?" AND HE SAYS IT SO CALMLY AS IF HE AINT THE WAY CAUSING Y/N THE STRESS. LIKE BROOOOO STFU ISTG. Lol BTW it means you did a good job writing that fic I DAMNASS LOVE ITTTT. Alsooooo<3 enjoy your Christmas and new year's:3 okay? ILYYYYY

i’ve been okay,♀️♀️ sorry for the lack of updates, i’ll contemplate on posting some chapters (maybe)