Zayem (Damn)! Can't believe I only need 30 more reads to reach 500 reads! I'm so happy that people read my story. If you don't know where Zayem is from then just look up Nash and Cameron vines. Okay, Loves You!!
Congrats to my lil' cousin @jackiepena123 on her book "Everything Is Going To Change" I'm so proud of her she reached up to 1K reads! So please make sure to read her story, I just started and its great! Congrats Lil' Cuz!!
Hey guys! I updated 3 hours ago with my friend the helps me write and edit it @AnissaElenaMorales, thanks a lot BFF!! She helps me make this book and writes it with me. So, please go and read it guys! :) ^.^ •.• =]