
Hello everyone, I just wanted to let you guys know that a new chapter of The SilentWhisperer will be up tonight! I meant to post one this morning, but I had to rush to school. :) I haven't forgotten you, I promise!


Thanks so much for adding my book to your reading list! If you have the chance to check it out I'd love to hear what you think:-) I see you are pretty new to wattpad. Welcome! Since you are into fantasy you should come join the fantasy club threads :-) Its a great way to meet people and find readers.


@stpolishook  ok cool. I'll definitely check out the link. :3


@HaileyWoerner Awesome! No pressure of course. I know you have a lot of books in that reading list. Glad mine caught your attention. Mainly i rollw a thread called "fantasy writers lets talk" It should be pinned at the top of the fantasy club list, but ill give you the link(hopefully it works). Lots of great people on there who are super supportive :-)


You're welcome! All books that I add to my shelves I'll get around to reading, and I try to comment with what I think for every book I read. :) 
            What fantasy threads are you on?


Hello! It would totally make my day if you were to check out my book. Thank you!


@bailal Thank you so much!


@HaileyWoerner Nice to meet you too! I'll be sure to spread the word about your book and hopefully gain you some more popularity!


@bailal1 haha, the first story I wrote was called "big breakfast" I wrote it when I was nine. Lol.
            Well, I guess the only way to achieve our dream is to continue writing and keep putting hard effort and time into what we do. I wish you the best on your writing journey! It was nice to meet you, and I look forward to reading some of your story soon.