
Thank you so much for posting Olga's book, it's a great series that I read years ago and have loved coming back to. It's tragic to hear what happened to her and I hope she's at peace. It's lovely that you're honoring her memory this way. If you get the opportunity, I'd love if you could make The Alpha Meets His Match available, her second book. It'd be nice to read it again. Thank you again and take care -x-


Yes, please if you can I would love read The Alpha meets his match as well! Thank you so much ☺️


Second this 


I think it is amazing what you did or are still doing in memory of Olga. Nobody deserves what happened to her and her mother. I don't know how close you were to her, but thank you for keeping her memory alive and well thru her books. Remember,  she's always with us in our hearts and memories.