There’s no turning back after your start reading this... welcome to my own take on this, and I really hope this puts a smile on your face.
Every day, every moment, a person out there worries for your well being and safety. At least 20 different people on this great wide world love you. The only reason why, anyone or anything, would hate or abhor you is because they are jealous of you. There are many people on this mud ball that are like that.
Somewhere out there, someone loves you... and when you’re down and dirty, sad and crusty, and have nothing... you might just find some good in it. Always remember the good, the bad let it lay and be forgotten, but do not forget to tend to it first, lest it fester and turn your heart bitter.
If you are a decent person, and a good friend, send this wholesome copy pasta to your friends, to those you love, and cherish with all your heart, and if they love and care for you in return, they’ll be shocked... or they’ll say thank you. Something good might happen should you choose to do this, and you never know... it might just be your lucky next day.