Schutbi Language:
Moi: You
Darju’: Dare
Croschi: Cross
Sanvenep: Territory,place
-na: Our
-ik: Your
Wo: What
Shufup: Big, important
Eakkol: Eat, drink
Khamnam: Speak/ make verbal noises
Nunnu: Small, unimportant, few
Ain: I
Ait: It
Ahhsi: scary/alarming/beast
Meowchi: Cute, endearing, beautiful, a friendly creature
Yucktt: Foul, revolting, gross, dirt
Schutbi Phrases:
. Ledrik padik jamb ay boat: Leave your paddle by the canoe, which means to replace something to where it originally was so you do not need to worry about misplacing it later. Said between hunters, rovers, and fishermen.
. Sanvenipik ekks waraturtt: Your place never betrays you, which means that you should not turn your back on your roots or something cemented within you or your identity. Said between tribesmen.
(This will also be mentioned in the beginning of chapter 14 of Riskometer, hopefully released tomorrow. Thanks and happy reading.)