
Oh my goodness!!!!!! Voodoo Doll hit 14 K reads!! Thank you guys so much!! It means a lot that you all enjoy it! Voodoo Doll was my first, and best, fanfic I've EVER written! I'm so happy to see it get this far! I didn't think it would even get 100 reads! This is so mind blowing! I just wanted to thank all of you who read my fanfics!!  I love you guys so so much! Thanks again for 14K!!!!!!! xx.


Oh my goodness!!!!!! Voodoo Doll hit 14 K reads!! Thank you guys so much!! It means a lot that you all enjoy it! Voodoo Doll was my first, and best, fanfic I've EVER written! I'm so happy to see it get this far! I didn't think it would even get 100 reads! This is so mind blowing! I just wanted to thank all of you who read my fanfics!!  I love you guys so so much! Thanks again for 14K!!!!!!! xx.


OMG guys I'm so sorry for not being active! School has been a pain in the ass now that it's in full swing. I'll try my best to get Another You up and goin again. Thank you all so much if you're still reading my fanfics!


Ok guys it's time to get excited!! Yes! I am planning an Ashton fanfic tomorrow! Oh and hopefully get up the first chapter around late Saturday or early Sunday. If not then definitely Monday:P then I might plan a different book or do a Calum fanfic first and then my new book last:D tell me what you'd prefer but I'm definitely doing an Ashton fanfic soon :) love ya guys xx.