
I love you. Each individual person who sees this, I love you and there are plenty of other people who love you too. 


Hey y'all. I just want you to know that I like talking to you. Whatever you do or have done or whoever you are. I don't hate you. I won't be mad at you-and if I am I can't hold a grudge to save my life even if I want to. Please, unless I am asleep or in the middle of class I will respond and talk to you. And if I am asleep or in the middle of a personal issue or unable to respond at the moment, I will get back to you ASAP. Please, I never want you to feel like I don't care because I do. You who only follow me because for whatever reason you like my writing. You who I come to with my drama. You who I listen to your drama and do my best to fix. You who are a friend of a friend of a friend. I care about all of you. Don't ever forget that. If everything else is wrong in your life you can come to me. Always. I won't turn my back on you. Ever. 


No matter what is going on with me or my IRL friends or you or your IRL friends I truly care and love all of you and want to do my best to help you. Time zones are a pain. Classes that don't allow phones are frustrating. No signal sucks. First world problems. Pleas talk to me. Most of you who I talk to regularly know about how far apart we are time wise and if you don't well then I'll tell you, I am three hours ahead of California. I live on the East Coast of the USA. The people I know in Finland I think is 7 hours ahead of me and my friend in Australia is 5 ahead. I may have Finland Australia switched. 
            So. If you are one of my CA peeps, it is midnight for you and 3am for me. 
            If you are my Australian friend, it is noon for you and I think it is 7am for me. 
            My buddy in Finland if, if it is noon for you, it is 5am for me. 
            So I may not always respond the minute you text me. But as soon as I see your message I will. 
            I love each and all of you. 
            Even if I didn't mention your home, or if we haven't talked yet, I am here and will listen to whatever you have to say. 
            It's easier to talk to people you know you will never actually meet than it is to your best friend you see everyday. 


Happy thanksgiving to all of you beautiful people. Even if you don't celebrate Thanksgiving enjoy today with your family and friends. 
          On a side note, my brother destroyed my phone-the screen is no longer attached to the sides or and the back is split apart, I will be using whatever other device I can find to keep up with your peeps but don't be too angry is I don't respond ASAP. Have a great day everyone, until I get a new phone keep going on day by day find something worth smiling over. 


Hey everyone, I just want you ALL
          To know that no matter where you are or what you are doing, you are there for a reason. That reason may not be showing itself right now but you are part of something. You are unique, special, intelligent, amazing people. Sunrises are beautiful because they show the darkness you just overcome from slowly turning into the light you are about to receive.   


"Unsinkable ships sink, unbreakable walls break
          Sometimes the things you think'll never happen
          Happen just like that
          Unbendable steel bends
          If the fury of the wind is unstoppable
          I've learned to never underestimate the impossible"