
I'm so sorry everyone that is been waiting on some kind of update. Its summer so I will start updating more. I feel bad for being gone so long. Anyways, yeah. 


New chapter of, "Emotion Twist," is now up. Chapter three(: Tell me what you think, I for one; really want to know. Also, read the author's message at the bottom. It. Is. Important.
          If you haven't already checked out the story do so. That is only if you have nothing to do, and your very much bored. It only has three chapters, not very long pages either. Thanks!


Muahaha. (Evil Laugh)
          I have a book I want to write in mind(x 
          I have a feeling I'm going to extremely going to love writting this, but I need your help fans. I really do, you guys make me want to continue. So - I'll give a SHORT and when I say short, I mean short summary. 
          Emotion Twist
          A game.
          Simply really.
          Your emotions and how you handle things, will determine your life. 
          Along with your will to live.
          Will you survive?
          Check it out. I'm writting it out right now.(x Tell me what you think. 