
Lately, I've been more active with the stories I haven't touched in a while, but that does not mean they are back up and running! I'm just publishing some parts that I had finished a while ago and never published or just publishing old finds and short stories. That was just a quick disclaimer, have a Happy Mothers Day everyone!


Lately, I've been more active with the stories I haven't touched in a while, but that does not mean they are back up and running! I'm just publishing some parts that I had finished a while ago and never published or just publishing old finds and short stories. That was just a quick disclaimer, have a Happy Mothers Day everyone!


Hey guys!! Just wanted to make a quick announcement; I started a new fanfic that is now up and running! It's a cross between HoO and an Original Universe I came up with. As of right now, there are no spoilers in it about the Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan, but no promises for later chapters.


Sorry, I forgot to mention the title, it' called "A Rogue Warrior". Yeah, so go check it out!