
I'm Starting a 5 Book series its going to be A ChasexMarshall series so hope you guys enjoy plus I'll introduce new characters and ones you want to be in the series so please let me know what you guys think when chapter one of the first book is out.!!!


I'm Starting a 5 Book series its going to be A ChasexMarshall series so hope you guys enjoy plus I'll introduce new characters and ones you want to be in the series so please let me know what you guys think when chapter one of the first book is out.!!!


Im Hurting and the one who claims they love me hasn't talked to me In awhile and I'm upset so I'm probably just going to wind up leaving wattpad and all social media for good I'm just tired of being not talked to or asked how my day is going...... I just want that in my life is that to much to ask for and if my mate sees this hopefully he knows what to do because he's going to be reason I'm leaving if he doesn't respond in 3 days time. Have a wonderful day while I cry my day away.


@HalnukiaTheWolf it's hard when I'm depressed on days like this one


            Hey don't feel that way.
            I'm sure he loves you. He may just be having trouble with something.


this message may be offensive
My mate hasn't been Cheating those who say otherwise are making me Mad so stop this now or don't message me or him at all cause this is Bullshit this is why I dont message much on social media becuase the fucking Drama this ends Now my Mate and I Are happy plus you guys that accusing him are scaring him BACK OFF NOW!!!!!


What happened?


But your fault it’s not it’s ours and we want to make it easier for you and you won’t have to deal with us again.


@HalnukiaTheWolf I feel bad now I didn't want anyone to leave I just wanted people to stop picking on.My mate


To my Mate @thewolf25063 you have my heart Always and forever love you hun now a d forever


@HalnukiaTheWolf He was for not messaging me but he's not anymore he's off the hook for now hehe


Isant he in trouble?