
Alright, I've gotten 636 words in the story so far xD editing is going slower than I wished. First section is done though, two more to go... Part two is going to take awhile. Not as long as part one though, that was laziness on my part.


Almost two years since that last update... Oof, anyways I'm going to release the prologue to a story either today or tomorrow. I just need to finish editing, and I need to find out what to use for the cover


Update to the update: Still trying to find time to edit it, got a cover being worked on and discussing the story with a couple people.


I'm sorry I have not updated anything at all, that has a logical explanation... I am writing a book, I would post every part here, though it wouldn't be a surprise than.  I am currently writing chapter 5, and well it is alot x.x already hit the 16k words mark, wish me luck with finishing it.
          Though I want to try something; I am writing stories for people who ask, so I will start a short story work, if you want me to write you something, dm me and tell me what you want it about ;p  anyways I need to go finish the story I'm working on. Happy birthday Mika!!! I will get your story to you soon!


I will try to do  do updates every sunday
          I wish i could do both stories, but i was busy, and will be
          But coming month I will try to get updates for both of them Ty for reading them ^^ <3
          Won't let you down


@HaloTheLazyWriter ^_^ ganbatte ne Dedkuu-sama.. write in  ur own most comfortable pace.. ^_^ I can wait ^_^


Long time no see halo


@_Foxxy_Power_ qnyways, how're you?