Is the discord server closed??
Reading Lists
Nah where tf did the lemons go?
@sweetlittlebumbleb33 I fucking hate that they be doin us like that
@HamFam360 I KNEW I WASN'T CRAZY but Wattpad has been deleting lemons for some reason
@HamFam360 i was looking for the book like crazy istg BUT WHY DID THEY DELETE IT ☹
Is the discord server closed??
Nah where tf did the lemons go?
@sweetlittlebumbleb33 I fucking hate that they be doin us like that
@HamFam360 I KNEW I WASN'T CRAZY but Wattpad has been deleting lemons for some reason
@HamFam360 i was looking for the book like crazy istg BUT WHY DID THEY DELETE IT ☹
New things that happened, I forgot my password to this account but I’m finally logged back in. 2. I got paid to make Kpop fanfiction; ;-; 3. I’m going back to school on the 9th </3
Summer is so fcking boring wtf. Like I keep getting chills because I feel like something is due ;-;
@HamFam360 fr tho- i keep forgetting that its summer- one time i tried to log in to my school acc, it locked me out and then i remembered it was summer- I also get chills at night-
I would love to congratulate the classes of 2021 If you have culminated or graduated— congratulations! You worked hard and I believe you will go far as long as you try. To the people who didn’t culminate or graduate, but is on summer. You worked hard as well to get through another school year. It’s been hard to do school because of the online schedule. But I know all of the people in school are trying at least a tiny little bit.!
Population pudding. Nice.
HEY THANK YOU FOR 3K AND JESUS CHRIST ITS BEEN A WHILE- like 2 years?? You all grew so much- ;-; I love you guys, and thanks for sticking around
Everyone stop and think about how much smut you read from my page. Over 100?? Pages of p0rn Good day
Yes I’m making BTS fanfiction so I can get clout on my other account- And what about it? I gotta do what I gotta do stay in the writing game here- and if it’s getting baby armies to read it I will do so
*laughs in experienced virgin*
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