
My boyfriend is now my wife sometimes. And sometimes they're neither, or both. I just-- *Yes I love them*.


this message may be offensive
Sometimes I feel like I'm my own Squip.
          One half of my brain: I don't know how to do this thing I'm hopeless oh my god *insert screaming and anxiety and unhappiness*
          Other half: Dude. Calm down. Here's what you're going to do.
          One half: Haha oh god I'm fucked.
          Other half: Oh, most definitely. 
          I get that I'm very like the Squip, but damn. I just...never thought I'd be managing myself in another way.


I did a thing. I started writing an original story. It features Matthew and Cary from my previous attempted book, but they're different. Underwent some changes, developed some more. Read the first chapter of "Released" today!


"Chill Out, Cary" Should probably just be a one-shot book. I don't think it works with an entire storyline, though if anyone has free time and wants to write, we could certainly collaborate on it. (Totally not me wondering if you guys want to write a story for me). Or I could just--revise it and make a functioning storyline (Haha, maybe???)


Now for this, you want to mix in a love story, a little of BMC, some sarcastic snark, three supercomputers, and (b)romance.
          If you've done this correctly, you get:
          Chill Out, Cary - My new BMC OCs book featuring the duo of Cary and Matthew, a nerd and his Squip.
          And if you want to talk to the dynamic duo directly instead of observing, then head over to:  https://cary-and-matthew.tumblr.com/