Thanks so much for the follow! I don't really read manga but my friends do and some of them love yaoi. However, I do love reading so called yaoi fanfictions of my favourite ships like Drarry, Solangelo, Stony and Scorbus :D.
@AnneHawthorne I don't usually read shounen ai. The only ones I've read are Adekan, [switch] and Vassalord. None of them are short though.
Well, I've always liked Dramione, Hermione/Scabior and Draco/Ron pairings.
@Hamsicle I always ship guys together too haha.
As for manga, I probably wouldn't enjoy reading yaoi as of now but Shounen-ai is perfect for me. Do you have any suggestions? I know short mangas don't exist but I'd like something that isn't very long.
Also, what's your take on Harry Potter?