
Part Three Chapter Three of God's Gaze is up!


The epilogue of Neon District: Redux is up!
          It only took me three years to finally get around to writing it. I always wanted to have some sort of send off to the book, but I never could figure out what needed to be said... Until now. Again, thank you so much for the support over the years!
          Thank you for reading!


The editing of Neon District: Redux is completed! I have an epilogue planned for it that should be up by tomorrow, so there would be an additional twenty minutes of content to read!
          Once I am finished that my full attention will be given to God's Gaze!
          Thank you for reading!


The first part of Neon District: Redux has been edited. Most of it is just a light edit: fixing grammar, sentence flow, etc... Some more paragraphs were added for extra scene context. You can reread it if you'd like!
          I am slowly figuring out the last part of God's Gaze: the ending has been decided!


The last part of God's Gaze is still being planned out, but I am going through some writer's block at the moment. In the mean time, I'll be editing Neon District: Redux, but I may not get too far with it. I also drew a new cover for it!
          Thanks for your patience!