I might put out another story that I’ve been working on, it’s not finished yet but neither is the sequel to “nerd to new” I don’t know if I should carry on with the sequel or put out the other story and work on that and leave the sequel for later

@HanLee423 GIVE MORE!!! I can't survive without Nerd to New, you simply do not understand. When I had first read it something in me changed to such an absurd degree that I can not decipher it's complicated feelings right away. It was only 'til I was laying down in my bed that I could really feel the story resounding in my heart and making my blood thump. For all these years I have never felt so truly moved by words I've read online until I've found your masterpiece and masterclass of a creation on this site called Wattpad. I've been thinking about it for years, ever since it released in 2001. I've reread it back to front about 23 times now and I really can't stop thinking about it, I am /srs when I say this. Please understand. User @Hanlee423 please look into continuing this amazing work of art. Please. Or lest god help you. I am apart of a big publishing company and I've fought hard to let my executives consider publishing this, so I really inquire you to your skills to finish what you have started. Don't be a coward.