
Gay, lesbian, bi, transgender, transsexual, pan sexual, non-binary, intersex, asexual, queer, questioning and + ,
          	I want you to know how much you’re loved. Because hell, I love you a whole lot. I love when you love yourself, I love when you’re happy, I love when you want to live. Because life is precious and you can’t just give up. You need to fight. Stand up and fight for who you are. And if people don’t support you, F them. Because you are loved by me, by you’re community, and by God. Never forget that there are people out there, who love you for you. 
          	And if you’re parents don’t except you, I’m you’re mom now, ok? ;)


@BTS-Krackhead I’m glad I made you feel at ease! That’s all I really wanted to do. I support you fully! <3 <3 <3 


@FelixNavidadBitch oof just reading that made my day bc i’m pansexual and gender fluid which not a lot of people support and just having someone say it made me feel at ease lol i’m so cheesy 


Gay, lesbian, bi, transgender, transsexual, pan sexual, non-binary, intersex, asexual, queer, questioning and + ,
          I want you to know how much you’re loved. Because hell, I love you a whole lot. I love when you love yourself, I love when you’re happy, I love when you want to live. Because life is precious and you can’t just give up. You need to fight. Stand up and fight for who you are. And if people don’t support you, F them. Because you are loved by me, by you’re community, and by God. Never forget that there are people out there, who love you for you. 
          And if you’re parents don’t except you, I’m you’re mom now, ok? ;)


@BTS-Krackhead I’m glad I made you feel at ease! That’s all I really wanted to do. I support you fully! <3 <3 <3 


@FelixNavidadBitch oof just reading that made my day bc i’m pansexual and gender fluid which not a lot of people support and just having someone say it made me feel at ease lol i’m so cheesy 


Thank you for adding my story to your reading list!!!!!


@teataesugakookie Thank you! But your sweeter 


@FelixNavidadBitch omg ur so sweet!!!! UWU I PURPLE YOU!!!!!!


@teataesugakookie Your welcome! I really loved your story! 


iM- thank you for adding my story to your reading list but sErIouSlY yOur aMazInG usEr is mOrE imPorTanT 


@WONDERJIN Thank you for enjoying it! Ill be sure to get the next chapter out soon, i just have been very busy and not have the inspiration. Thank you though!


Of course! I absolutely loved your story! And thank you!! @WONDERJIN