
Hi there. I just wanna say thanks for enjoying and voting on my story. :D


@Anonym0210 I didn't do it either lol just one chapter.  It's a cute story, how Obito trusts someone again. You don't have to, it was just a vote lol. Kisses


@HielodeMadrugada Kotoura-san, haha. I knew that anime but didn't watch it. Same tho, I felt Kakashi was a bit OOC when I wrote him, but I needed it for the plot. XD Thank you again. ❤


kl@Anonym0210 it's nothing: 3 that is such a fluffy story, it reminds me of Kotoura-san, personally, Kakashi is a bit OOC, because he is very nice, but it's feels the sweetness and I liked that they ended together (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) ♡


Omg! Are you the same HielodeMadrugada from Ao3? 
          ( ⁰▱⁰ )!!


@Lordpikachu2003 Omg lolol yes, it was, but it was fun sometimes, they could really fall down the stairs lolol omsky their scared screams were giddy
            Hai, many place, is a little bit confused G.G so PM via for now on :')


@HielodeMadrugada oh its ok lol. And I did see you read ch 21, (¯∇¯٥) it was soon after I sent you the above messages that I got a notification of your vote. I hope it wasn't too explicit? Well it is lol, but maybe it was still a good read? ( ´ºωº` )
            And thats ok if it will be slow. :D I can be slow responding sometimes when I get busy. And I sense english isn't your first language? :0
            Haha theres so many places I'm talking to you now. And I saw your long reply on Ao3 too. XD 


@Lordpikachu2003  my dear, this app doesn't tell me a thing. I thought the conversation was over, and I was too excited when I reviewed it. Honestly, I did it yesterday :u, and I didn't respond right away because, too much feeling. But I've calmed down already. I'm not very talkative, but I would love to comment about (KakaObi, FF and write is as paradise) and I dunno when, but then, it will go slow and steady, a PM with a stinky grammar and horrible spelling