
Hi there! It's me, Hana Hikari. I just wanted to inform you that my story, Fate/Grand Order: Another Story, and its prologue are now published! Feel free to read it and don't be afraid to comment down some feedback and reviews regarding the story as those would really help me in the future. That's all for now and have a nice day! :))


Note (March 31, 2018): "Fate/Grand Order: Another Story" has its title changed into "Fate/Grand Order: Another Story - Singularity F." See "Author's Note #2" in the said book of mine for further details. Thank you~


Hi there! It's me, Hana Hikari. I just wanted to inform you that my story, Fate/Grand Order: Another Story, and its prologue are now published! Feel free to read it and don't be afraid to comment down some feedback and reviews regarding the story as those would really help me in the future. That's all for now and have a nice day! :))


Note (March 31, 2018): "Fate/Grand Order: Another Story" has its title changed into "Fate/Grand Order: Another Story - Singularity F." See "Author's Note #2" in the said book of mine for further details. Thank you~