No problemo! Your username is interesting too. Can't wait for 'The CEO and I' to be completed so I can start reading it! (I don't read incomplete stories... Cuz I'm kinda impatient ) anyways, thanks and have an awesome day too!
Thank you so much for adding my book to your reading list a little while ago and overall being super cool! I appreciate it so much beyond words :) Just know that I'm thankful!
In the meantime if you’re interested, I started a brand-new short story. It’s for a contest, but I’d love to see your thoughts and opinions :) A vote on chapter one if you enjoy will help me advance!
Thanks so much! And PS: haha I love your bio. What kinds of vampire books/movies are you into?
@Hanah_Kr101 Hopefully by this week as I'm half way writing the next chapter. I'm also working on three book reviews and trying to finish off any other stories. I'm glad you like my story. :)