


Hello lovelies I am officially moving to discord for any future roleplay I will only be on Wattpad for my stories only so my current roleplay stories here will be either discontinued or just deleted and only thing that will remain are my fanfictions this will not start till after May 6th. So stay safe my Wattpad family. My discord is dragonh3art95 but please let me know who you are because I will not know from a simple hi. Thank you so much love you all 


this message may be offensive
Hey i already sent a reply on my Comment on form on the DL Rp thing so check there! But dms are fucked up on this app. Sends mine multiple times yours just don’t show up for me sometimes!! Which is why I can not see your discord! I send mine in that comment. But if that comment for some reason doesn’t show up it’s Shylittleneko99 or you might have to search littlemissaffectionate. If you can’t find me just tell yours here or on that comment 


My sincere apologies to all my lovely followers
          I'm sorry I haven't been able to get back to your rps or update any fanfics I haven't been in the best mental or emotional health right now. On August 2nd of this year my mom died and a couple days later I had to quit my job because I just couldn't afford to get to work it's been nothing but a massive struggle....I'm currently trying to get another job and get into an apartment but it's very difficult especially when you constantly feel like the only two blood family members you have aren't doing anything to help. So I do apologize for the delay I really do hope you all can understand 


Take your time. I lost my dad 3 years ago. I know the struggle especially when it’s very close after so no need to stress! Reply when you can and such but take care of yourself first!


Sorry to everyone I haven't felt like rping as of late here but I will be back in action I hope so much love to each of you for now I'll be working on my fanfics when I can due to working Monday - Friday 6am-2:30pm central time. Please do stay safe