Hanako found herself holding on to the one thing she had left of her father. The note he had sent her mother before he killed himself. Everything they said was true. She was finally alone. Something she had been asking for ever since she could talk. Her tears kept coming as she fell to the ground in soundless sobs. Her body shook. Where was Mom? Why did her father leave? Why couldn't she have been a good daughter to them..? Her eyes were marred with fresh tears.
She was alone. Hanako was alone and angry with herself.
Everywhere she turned, she saw exactly why her mother wasn't coming back to her.
She looked just like her father.
She had his eyes. His nose. His hair. His skin. Even his personality.
She was a child that nobody wanted. And her tears were the only thing left to console here.
Reaching out blindly, she realized she was in the bathroom.
She wanted Naruto to come back.
She wanted someone to love her!
Shaking, she reached up and grabbed hold of her father's old scissors. She wouldn't be like her father.
Locks after locks stained the tile.
She wanted friends!
She wouldn't be like him!
Please come back, Okaasan-!
Her once beautiful hair, stained the floor. It was ruined. It was her bloodshed for a dead man.
Hanako began to cry again.