
I'm not dead :)


Happy Pride Month! 
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I want to address something quickly:
          I was talking to my friend earlier today, and she said that her mom says that woman was put on earth to serve men. 
          Woman were put on earth to be queens, not princesses. Warriors, not servants.
          Don't believe people when they say, 'Step aside and let the men do that.' or 'Women aren't as strong as men,'
          Women are strong and are not put on earth to serve men.


So… I have custody over a plastic dragon me and my friend made in Steam. 
          I’ll explain. 
          At my school, they serve fruit in little black, plastic containers and we decided to gather them all up and give them to a classmate. 
          My friend had those containers with her at Steam, and I saw her taping them together. I decided to help her, and we made a plastic dragon who we named Shadow (She and I both have cats named Shadow, so Shadow is a namesake. I call myself Shadow b/c of my cat.) 
          And we act like his parents, so we decided to share custody over him. We do have another friend who is Shadow’s Godmother/Aunt in case anything happens to us. 
          Unfortunately, I don’t get the first week with him. But I get next week with him! I’m proud of him in an odd way (For what, I have no idea.). 
          (Oh my gosh, that is so long…)


I think that in the next life series, Grian is going to partner up with Scar again. I have proof (I think)!
          Look at who Grian partners with throughout the life series:
          3rd Life: Scar
          Last Life: Jimmy and at least one other
          Double Life: Scar
          Limited Life: Jimmy and at least one other
          So maybe…
          __ Life: Scar?


*Hm u are smart for noicteing this partern and telling everyone. :D


            Hm u are smart for this partern. :D


Hmmm maybe I guess. I know Double Life he didn’t really have control over it and originally he wanted to switch partners, so I don’t think of team up with Scar again. But hopefully, I love Scarian


There’s this little black-and-white dog that’s my family has seen since moving in, and the movers named him ‘Rambo’ (or ‘Ramboo, I’m not exactly sure). He’s a black-and-white dog who’s very skittish, and I just realized that there’s a YouTuber called ‘Ranboo’ and I’m wondering if that’s a coincidence. He also is very distant, the way Ranboo was for a year. Like, what the Hades?