
Guys I'm really sick sorry 


@Hania_Parks I'm crying reading this, knowing that you already passed


Hey, I know I'm late, so late. I want to say that I enjoyed your NCT dream chatroom, I had my stomach hurting because I laughed so much. I really needed a story like that to make me happy, I found out that I have depression these past few months, I needed this a lot to laugh. Good job author nim, also may you rest in peace️


Hai.. I know I’m late on saying goodbye like always but I used to read nct dream chat room before I opened my account, when it was on its first chapter.  I’m sorry that I couldn’t say that you were a great author when u lived or how funny the chat room was. Good bye dear angel, fly high into that sky, hope your watching over your family and friends from there. It’s really sad because I had a friend like you, he was good but he had to leave this world.. sadly it hurt me like a bullet in the heart because I had a crush on him, and it hurts more because I couldn’t say goodbye to him. I really wished I could tell you and him how great and funny you both were


Dear Hania, 
          You were an amazing author. Nct Dream chatroom definitely made me laugh out loud. I hope your happy up there in heaven. Thank you to Hania's cousin, for finishing  off her story. If you are still looking through her account, I hope you can see all the supportive messages her readers leave her. Even though it's been nearly 3 years since her passing, more and more people are discovering her book. 