Hello good evening everyone !
As you know, Elite is finished, so I'm not stopping here.
I'm very happy to announce the birth of two new projects, one quite big with a very complex and detailed story, and a smaller one that will mostly be to keep the chapters of the bigger one waiting.
Right away, the plot of both works :
Matured yet Untamed :
In the vibrant glow of Seoul, a thrilling story of intertwined desires and unspoken secrets unfolds. Han Jisung, a student by day and a seducer by night, is as good a master of hearts as he is of his camera. One drink too many and he finds himself hanging from the neck of a forty-something man who is seeking his freedom in the glitter of nightclubs. Things could have been simple... If this man wasn't the father of his best friend.
In the middle, Felix, young and innocent, finds himself caught in a vortex of love and ignorance, torn between his father and his best friend and his own attraction to a senior at his university . A tale of desire and inner struggle, this fic explores the depths of human emotion against the electric backdrop of a Seoul that never sleeps.
Faking :
Lee Minho liked to live from day to day, and paid no attention to the people around him. He never cared about their feelings.
Han Jisung felt everything so intensely that students considered him a strange boy. He preferred studying to going out with friends. He stayed with his best friend instead of going out and having fun.
A world separated these two boys. However, when Jisung became Minho's tutor and then his fake boyfriend, they realized that everything that opposed them could ultimately attract them to each other.
As you can see, we're starting with two very different fic. Lots more news to come soon, but I suggest you follow me on insta so you don't miss a thing !
Thanks to @leemiini and @Minsunger2201 For your willingness to translate :)
See you soon...