
what's up my g's, my new rp acc is @elowiz4 hehe hit me up pls


Hello!!!!Thank you for following me! I’m sending a message to all my followers to thank them. So, here I am, telling you that you that you are beautiful and loved and so so so so valid. I love you (platonically of course) and I hope you have a very lovely life. I hope you find your soulmate (if you believe in that sort of thing, please ignore this sentence if you are aromantic) and I hope you are happy with them. I hope you achieve all your goals. 
          And I know times may get hard, and I know that you may be sad. But guess what - that is okay! It’s okay to feel sad or angry or annoyed. It’s okay to feel any emotion you may feel. All your emotions are valid. 
          Just know my dm’s are always open and if you need anything you can contact  me. 
          Have a nice day/night!! I love you, you gorgeous, beautiful, stunning, breathtaking human being of whom I am lucky to share a universe with.