
Guys my ‘best friend’ is treating me like absolute crap, what do i do.


Hey Oliver pls don't read
          Quick rant
          So I've been having this problem with the way that I look. It's really not that big of a deal, but I just hate my body. Like, I'll be at school during gym class and I'll look at all the other girls and see that they are really pretty and skinny and they look great and are good at gym, but I'm over here and I just feel fat. I don't like wearing shorts to school because when I sit down my thighs look really big, and when I do wear shorts I usually lay a jacket over my legs. I go to the gym but I don't see any improvement, and I know that I'm not really fat but I can't convince myself that. I just hate what I see in the mirror. My skin looks bad but I don't have any makeup to wear, and my hair looks bad too. Every time I shower I think about how ugly I am, and I know that it’s not healthy to think like that. I see all these girls on social media who are skinny and beautiful and just look at my body and think about how fat and ugly I am. And all characters in TV shows and movies all have a super thin waist and flat stomach, but I don’t.
          That’s long, I just had to get that all out somewhere that’s not my head or a note on my phone. Sorry for the rant.


Thanks so much. It helps so much to hear that <3


@Hannah4638 aw girl :(
            I get what you mean tho i experienced a similar thing a while ago and tbh…I was so young I don’t remember how it stopped (and also cause I buried that memory deep deep down). I was around nine when I went through something very similar and I stopped eating that much and basically starved my body
            I think at some point I just decided that I hated living like that and slowly stopped but it wasn’t easy. I’m extremely underweight despite that happening about 6 years ago. I’m skinny and underweight to the point where it’s dangerous
            The best thing to do is to try not to think about those girls. I’ve heard them talk before and they brag about being 80 pounds. For context I’m a sophomore and underweight at 96, they’re not doing any better
            It’s easy to fall into that and compare yourself, to tie down those chains and rules, and it took me a while to finally be okay with myself in pictures and about a year ago I almost went back to that mindset and would just stare at myself in the mirror for so long.
            Especially during puberty I always feel like everyone’s judging me. What’ll help is not going on social media that people from your school are often on such as Instagram or Snapchat. I always think my school has like no bullies but my friends have told me they are ruthless on Insta.
            I’m not a professional (obviously I’m a dumb teen who doesn’t believe in mortality-) but I hope things get better. Friends and trusted adults can help you. I know it’s hard to open up at first and you can grow into that habit of keeping your mouth zipped tight and never open up but it really makes a difference because your negative side will start to realize “oh this person does really care and want to help” it takes time and it’ll be hard at first but it will get better
            I’m sorry you’re at a hard time in your life, and I hope you start feeling good soon o7


          so I started dating this girl recently and my parents don’t know and she texted me asking if I wanted to go to a sleepover at her house tomorrow and go see a show and I don’t know what to say
          Because I don’t know if my parents are okay with me having a sleepover at her place without another person there and they don’t know we’re dating yet
          Anyway I’m really stressed what should I say to her?


@Hannah4638 :) 
            Just ask them, the worst they can say is no


But they were already weird about me staying at her house and just kept asking if there was anyone they’d know there and I think that this would just be kind of a girlfriends thing


@Oliver_137 oh god i forgot you’d see this 


So, if anyone knows about mental health things I need help.
          So my good friend texted maybe a week ago in our group chat, and said that she was angry with her parents for finding out she hasn’t been eating, but she is saying that she’s fine.
          And today was my birthday and I had some friends, including her, over, and she didn’t eat any food. She hasn’t eaten food since lunch yesterday, and it’s past dinner time. I also saw a cut on her wrist and she tries to hide it from me and said it was nothing.
          I’m really worried about her but she never listens to me and always says that she’s fine. I don’t know what it do. If anyone has any experience in this, what should I do?