
So, I've decided to do further editing on Hush. I know this is the 3rd time I've decided to do so, but I feel like my writing skills have really improved and I'd like to make sure it's the best it can be! 
          	Thanks for being patient with me!
          	Hannah xx


So, I've decided to do further editing on Hush. I know this is the 3rd time I've decided to do so, but I feel like my writing skills have really improved and I'd like to make sure it's the best it can be! 
          Thanks for being patient with me!
          Hannah xx


Hey everyone! 
          Super excited to announce that I'll soon be developing a new story called, "Hexed" c: It will be supernatural-ish and I'd like to have at least the prologue and cover up by next week. Be sure to keep an eye out! Thank you for all the reads/views and support!
          Much love,


Hey everyone!
          Although I'm sad to say, I'll be taking a break from Hush for a while and working on some other stories. I feel like I'm at a bit of a stopping point. I really want to improve on the quality of future chapters and maybe add a bit of wavelength to it. It seems like the story is rushing way ahead of itself :3


I really hope you all like the opeining of the new book I'm starting, "Paradox". I really want this one to be an eye opener for alot you people, maybe even you. It's labled as a teen fiction but the stories behind this book are very dear to my hear aswell as my best friends. I hope you all enjoy :3


Hi everyone! 
          I'm excited to let you know that I am beginning 2 new books on top of "Hush"! This series will focus on a group of supernatural teens. My description probably sounds a bit cheesy right? Ya. That's what I thought. Anyway, I will be starting book one of the Elements triliogy soon, along with an original spin off called "The Dark". It will mainly be about other students at Arcadia Hall. I can't wait to show you all I have in store!