
Hey all I'm thinking about writing a sequel to my Roman reigns book but first off I will be fixing all if not most of the grammar issues in this book and the Zak bagans books. I don't know if any of my followers are still on here but I figured I just want to get back into a hobby again. 


Hey all I'm thinking about writing a sequel to my Roman reigns book but first off I will be fixing all if not most of the grammar issues in this book and the Zak bagans books. I don't know if any of my followers are still on here but I figured I just want to get back into a hobby again. 


I can't describe how amazing you people are. When i'm having a rough week to come on here and to look back at all these awesome comments and successful progress that I have made over a couple years makes me feel 100% better. You guys are awesome I can't explain how this makes me feel. I should go on here more often but every time I do I always have notifications. This just makes me so happy that I decided to sign up and write books.


thanks for the follow :)) 
          BTW I love wwe including Seth Rollins
          dean ambrose
          Roman Reigns
          omg have you seen the smyths toys advert where Seth Rollins come?


@anothermeme no I haven't!! and Npand I wish the shield was still together :'(