
I’m not dead 


@Hannah_that1fangirl I was slightly worried and i still love your books, onr of them that i am attracted the most was the My CEO Namjin Book which is somehow still in my downloads, waiting to be updated. I hope you are well and active


aww hi thanks so much for following me❤️i don’t know where you know me from ahaha but i appreciate it :*


@st0pprocrastinating you’re not stupid lol. And np :)


IMPORTANT: I don’t usually make posts like this but I feel the need to now. 
          If you are gonna leave racist or ignorant comments on my story, and then feel the need to come post on my wall with the same comments, just leave and never visit my page or stories again. 
          Also don’t assume my race or that I don’t speak English just because I make a typo or make a simple mistake. I am a white American and I know my privilege, so should you, but don’t you dare put anyone or any group of people down, especially on my page and in my works! My stories and profile are safe spaces for everyone no mater what race, color, ethnicity, culture, sexuality, etc.
          Excuse my French but I don’t need your sh*t racism in my community. I will report and block an harassment or ignorance. 
          Thanks for coming to my Ted talk 
          To the rest of you, who I’m sure this doesn’t apply, thank you for your support, stay strong, and stand up when things need to be said.