
Hey everyone, Happy New year! Feel free to check out my story Victimisation it is now ranked #2 out of 1,000 + in #creativewriting on this site which I am very proud of. I have added the link for those wanting to give it a read, it is very intense but very good in my opinion :) thank you for all of your support! 


Hey everyone, hope you all had a great Christmas!  I have just recently updated a couple of new creative writings. Give them a read if you like my most popular one would be “Victimisation” as it’s ranked second out of  1.33k creative writings! Feel free to have a browse and message me for help or if you have any questions 


Hey guys I would just like to say thanks for all of the 258 views on my book! It means a lot to know so many are reading it. I would also like to thank all the people that have commented on my book and gave me feedback it means a lot! If anyone has any ideas for quires for or with my book I am all ears and will not get offended! Haha THANKS! :D xx