
I've created a new demographic survey to find out more about the #wedgiefetish community. 
          Please take five minutes (probably less) to fill this out so we can get some data about the community we're all a part of but all know so little about. 
          All responses are anonymous and the goal here is to figure out basic demographic information like the age of community members, location and gender. 
          For context, I originally did a survey back in 2017 and gathered some of the first demographic information on the community. Now, five years later I'm looking to see what's changed and get more information. 
          Please fill it out and share it around. I'd love to get around 300 responses for this. 
          When it's received a good number of responses, I'll close it and share all the data. 
          Thanks so much in advance for your help! 


The Report for the 2022 Wedgie Fetish Community Demographic Survey is here! 
            Here's the link to it the PDF in Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZMuU7NuXzvuX-61kh7qbIf6iIyfNYd9q/view?usp=sharing
            Thanks again to everyone who responded to it and shared it around! We've gained a lot of insights about the community we've never before, and with a higher degree of accuracy than ever before. Who are wedgie fetishists? Where are they? How do they feel about the fetish? These things and more we know for the first-time ever. 
            You can also view it in Piktochart (where I built the report): https://create.piktochart.com/output/58539209-2022-wedgie-fetish-community-demographic-survey 
            And a huge thanks to Shadow-melder for helping build the report, edit it and analyze the data. And to sacellum for editing. 
            Let me know what you think! And hope you enjoy the presentation of the data. 