
I change my name now older and wiser.... I realize I did some dumb shiz in the past....  


I am never one to pray at least not usually... But  I am plagued with thoughts about my fellow countrymen's future. So to ease my thoughts I prayed for the first time in a while.... Today is our election day for our 17th President and Vice president. To put in perspective it is almost like Biden vs Trump in America but instead of choosing the lesser of two evils. We hope to be able to choose the best possible leader for our country. One with a clean track record and will to serve for the people and not to clean their family's ruined reputation. Unfortunately some people do not see it this way. They are blinded by a promise of another so called Golden Era. Not knowing it is a lie. That the other party wnats to revise history in their favor and hide the atrocities their family had done. Building infrastructures to hide the money they stole from taxpayers. Declaring martial law and taking away freedom of speech. People will invalidate me because I did not reach the age to become a voter. But if godforbid they win I will also receive the brunt of it. I live in this country too and I want what's best for it. This post is not to endorse the candidate I want. I merely wanted to let out my thoughts to comfort myself and to hope that my fellow countrymen not vote for themselves but for others as well. This is to remind everyone else that your vote has power so do it wisely. Thank you...


Being horribly sick after two whole years of NOT being sick sucks....
          I only have the occasional cough. But having Flu sucks and I really don't want  to go to the hospital cause one  that needs money and two people eho has the virus goes stays there and so will I I cant be quarantined I HAVE SCHOOL!!


Wanted to say Hi to all the people. I used to talk to in this app but I'm too shy... so I'll say it here. Hello! you may not know me anymore and that's sad for the past times that we talked I was truly comforted and felt you guys are true friends so Thank you! Stay safe please! Thank you for being a part of my life!  I hope all your dreams will be within reach goodluck!! 


Time really does run fast... I always let it flow past me taking me where ever the current goes.
          Well for someone who lives her life care free. I'm scared. Cause now I have to make a choice one which i'm not sure if it's the right one.CAUSE I DON'T KNOW and it scares me.the future.MY future scares me for i have not given it much thought until now. I thought it's so far away but it isn't i'm scared and unsure....
          I need some advice please??