Hello everyone! Been a while :) I've set my account to "stories discontinued", basically I planned on not publishing any more stories, though keeping the existing ones online. A while back I had suddenly felt pretty bad about the fact that the people I wrote about are actual, real life people. Though I mentioned, the characters in the story are the fictional versions (or "mascots") or said people, it still made me feel guilty. But now, I really want to keep writing. This is all just for fun and not meant to disrespect anyone. I know fanfictions can be a controversial thing. But they are called "fan-FICTIONS" for a reason. They're not real. Their just a way of artistic expression. So, should I make a comeback? Would anyone still be interested even? Thanks for reading and have an awesome day :) <3

Wow I'm late to this, new fan btw. And yes please do continue! I love all your works, you are indeed very talented and I will support you in any way <3