Okay, I know I am taking forever to post. I’m sorry about that, but I just feel like I’m spending all my time writing this for you guys to enjoy, and all I get is hate about how people don’t like this part, or that idea. I did ask for your input on what you wanted to have in the story, if there were any ideas you had, or anything like that. No one said anything, so it’s just kind of bothering me that people want to complain about my writing. I love writing this, but I don’t enjoy all the hate I get for it.
My other big reason for not updating it’s, because I spend my time writing this, and I get 1 vote. I don’t really care about the votes or whatever, but I would like some feedback. Maybe a simple “That was good. “ or even a “I didn’t exactly like how this part was written.” I just want some way of knowing how you like the story, in a better way then just getting DMs from people telling me how they hated this part, and that hate how I write, and whatever else they have to say.