Hello! As you can see, I've been inactive here and on insta for quite some time.....A lot of things happened, and there is only one word to describe 'Hades'. Let us not get into specifics....no words can express how gratefull I am to those ive met and befriended during probably a year or more (secretly adoring her eversince) here in Ms irene's fandom, I had fun and all of you have been kind to me eversince from the authors to the readers seriously I have never laughed wholeheartedly for that long while sheding a tear reading the fanfics or talking with you..I'm going to miss it(╥﹏╥)!
I've been thinking for a while abt this i know it's not a big deal if I leave this fandom for good,but i will. It's not just because of toxicty; being disrespectful in one of it (we should know our limitations)— it's difficult to explain, but that doesn't mean I stop adoring her..Miss Irene Marcos Araneta, the woman of elegance and simplicity; perfect is the best description for her...she valued privacy, and as one of her fans, I will gladly give it to her. Support her silently, as well as the authors with whom I have communicated in recent months..Thank you so much! And, yes, my story will be unpublished; I'm signing off on the fandom, farewell !