
It’s TIME after 3 weeks of writing and rewriting and editing my first ever Xo Kitty story is ready to be published I am so proud of it and really hoping it does well so please give it a read, comment, vote and share I will be taking a day to recharge before starting the next chapter no turning back now let’s do this. 


It’s TIME after 3 weeks of writing and rewriting and editing my first ever Xo Kitty story is ready to be published I am so proud of it and really hoping it does well so please give it a read, comment, vote and share I will be taking a day to recharge before starting the next chapter no turning back now let’s do this. 


Ok so little update the story isn’t ready yet to be published so I am pushing the date for chapter 1 for Monday night instead so sorry but I just don’t want to rush this I want it to look great. 


@eadie-Marauders7 I’m also having to rewrite the plot because I noticed it wasn’t making sense at all so glad I noticed before posting it 


@HappinessBegians22 I get it I have many drafts but I keep changing them to make them the best so just take your time and I can't wait to read them! :D


Heyyy idk if u saw it but chapter 16 of QUEENCARD is out now :>


@HappinessBegians22 I saw it!! I can't wait for the 1st chapter <33


@lisaloveblinks_ Just published a title and picture for my story go check it out chapter is being posted Sunday Hopefully 


@HappinessBegians22 Thanks!! But don't worry, they won't break up at all hehe :3


“STAR” I heard a voice say. I could recognize that voice anywhere I turned around and there stood the handsomest boy ever I feel the same things I felt when I saw him for the very first time it was like something out of a movie his perfect skin everything when we locked eyes my heart felt like it was going to burst any second "Minho" he quickly ran towards me and I jumped into his open arms knowing very well that he would catch me he spun me around and nuzzled his head into my neck I already felt like nothing else mattered he finally set me down but his kept arms securely around my waist “I missed you so much babe” he said “I missed you too Min so, so much”
          Feedback will be so appreciated 


@JacehisGirl thank you this is great now I can continue writing 


@Jeonteasty for now unless you can think of a better one? That was the first thing that popped into my head 