ladies its been a long trip but we finally got there k so long story short, i logged out of my account. i dont know what happened. it sucked doodoo, and i tried recovering it by logging into it via my current email. turns out, this account is SO OLD THAT THIS EMAIL DID NOT WORK LIKE BRUH it was synced up with my OLD FRIGGIN EMAIL THAT I DID NOT KNOW THE PASSWORD TO AHGSHSHAVDAJ i literally tried everything. i tried syncing it with my current email, but apparently my current one already has an account? like where cuz i was not aware ANYWAYS i basically had to create a whole ass new email so i could send my authentication code to it so it would realise im actually NOT a robot and it doESNT HAVE TO KEEP GIVING ME THESE WEIRD ROBOT TESTS LIKE NO JOKE I DID LIKE OVER 30 WHYYY so like i was crying at this point because it was late at night and i was frustrated so i just tried to send the code to my other email (the one i just made) aND IT WASNT SENDING LIKE BICH THE NERVE I SENT IT LIKE 30 TIMES AND SHE STILL DECIDED TO BE A PAIN so i went to bed because i was frustrated, and when i woke up the email still wasnt there so i cried again and left it for a few days its been like idk a week? i finally came back and omg!!! the email!!!!!!111!!!! she pulled through!!!!1111!!1!!!!1!!!!!!!1! so i'm finally back lmaoooo (also my phone just broke so i havent read anything for like everrr)

@HappyApple10102 nooo robots still need to log out every now and then so that they run properly :p

@yeet_647 bruh email really do be scammin doe ;-; also if im a robot then i need no sleep P: