I’m back!! I know I have been gone for far far far too long, but I am back and with big news…
I am rewriting ‘Granger Things’!
It will not be the same book by most means, a lot major characters and plot lines will be cut. However, I have put a lot of thought and effort into the story line, and I think a lot of you will enjoy what new material I have come up with.
And don’t worry, I am not taking down ‘Granger Things’. I love that book so much and I put so much effort into it. I understand it’s disappointing that the original plot line will not be finished, and for that I do apologize. I eventually just stopped writing, and now I find it hard to write the characters how they were before. I feel more serious so I want the characters to be a little more serious, you know?
So, that will stay up, but I will be rewriting and continuing Edmund Carmichael’s story in my coming soon book, ‘Inner Vision’ - to be published soon!