
Angel was known to make his presence known when he came to the hotel. It was just a given. The flamboyant male was known to be over the top. But this time was different. It was only by the sound of the front door creaking that even gave away that he had entered the hotel. What was worse was the bruises covering the arachnid's body.
          "Charlie?" Angel meekly called out. 


            Charlie simply shrugged as she smiled,
            "We started arguing at first which wasn't too bad unlike the other time then I got slapped across the face when I said something then she stormed off..." she explained then looked a bit down,
            "I know... but it would still feel better if I knew he actually cared enough to take my calls, or if he didn't see me as a failure." She mumbled as she ran a hand through her hair.


this message may be offensive
            "That old prune again? Geez, doesn't she know when to fuck off? What happened? If I gotta blow her head off, let me know," Angel said with a huff before he sighed at the dad part. "Charlie, babes, listen, don't go to him for help, okay? You don't need him. You got us. I will happily sneak out the studio to come here and help. This is basically my second home! I ain't letting nothing happen to it."


            Charlie nodded her head with a closed eyed smile on her face,
            "No problem, Angel." She states then sighed softly, her smile looking a bit sadder but she still wore it brightly,
            "Same as always. I had tried to get ahold of my dad a minute ago and he didn't answer my calls... again. I had a run in with Katie and that didn't end to well on both our parts." She states and rubs the back of her head sheepishly.


"Hey, Charlie. I'm here!" Angel called out as he went over to her and took the other end of the tree with his four arms, actually being surprisingly strong. "Gotta say, you picked out a nice tree!"


            Charlie simply shrugged and smiled softly,
            "It's okay! Plus, it didn't even hurt that bad." She states then nods,
            "Yeah, I'm fine!" She chirped then laughed a bit,
            "Of course! Only the best for my people and the hotel!"


"Oh, I've done that before. But like, it was a life or death situation so I had the right to. Aside from that, that's just a dick move. But anyway, you alright?" Angel asked curiously, doing his best to hide his genuine worry for the other. "Honestly didn't expect anything less from you, specially when it comes to the hotel."


            "Hehe, funny you ask that! I may or may not have gotten pushed over by someone running away from someone else and I was kinda already tired so I stayed down by the tree." She explained with a sheepish closed eyed smile,
            "And that's why I got the best!"


(Thank you so much for following...!)


            (Ever want to RP, or just chat it up, hit me up in my PMs or Message Board!)


            [☆☾]You're welcome! :D[☽☆]