
Where are you
          I'm searching for you
          But I can't find you
          Are you hiding from me
          Don't you like me
          Don't you believe in me
          I don't know what is wrong
          One day you just were gone
          You're nowhere to be found
          Not in the clouds, not on the ground
          HappyLittleLemon had vanished
          And Smileytimey was been punished
          :( that was sad


I'm booooored so:
          happy little lemons are dancing around
          waiting for fara to take them out
          but fara is in Disney land and making out
          she kisses her husband named Mickey mouse
          oh! happy little lemons are dancing arooooouuuund! woo!
          I'm so talented <( ̄︶ ̄)>


Fara is a wonderful little weirdo with no sorrow
          she dances like thers' no tomorrow
          her hugs sqeezes you to death
          you can't even catch up yout breath
          shes sweer and nice and a cute weird bunch
          but she can be mean and steal all oft your lunch
          but we all love food so don't be mad at her
          instead be aki-like and she will share!
          See what i done there <( ̄︶ ̄)> 
          you better share those candies with me ( •́ .̫ •̀ ) bear hug \( ^▽^ )/ 
          smileytimey over.


@ smileytimey  (⊙.⊙) YOU DIDN'T!!! (╬⊙д⊙) give me my CANDIES!!! (ಥ_ಥ) ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘ *attempts to run after you* *slows down after some while*
            * sees a fallen candy and eats it*
            ✳✴CANDIE Booooost✴✳
            *faster than ever and nearly catches up with you*
            give me my CAN- (ಥ_ಥ)
            *hits a lamp post and falls*
            ヾ(*ΦωΦ)ノ (´∩`。)


@smileytimey  UMMM... That wasn't bad at all... At the contrary... ( ◉ืൠ◉ื)  BUT THESE CANDIES ARE MINE ! *Sticks tongue out* (●´ϖ`●) *bear hug* *pretends I go to the toilet but I don't* *sneak into your kitchen and steal every candies you have* *slowly turns aways and... ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘* YOU'LL FORGIVE ME FOR THAT !


@ smileytimey  somany spelling mistakes (⊙.⊙) my autocorrect was off i swear ╮(╯_╰)╭