Hey guys
So... it's Thursday
My favorite day of the week
You know why?
Cuz it means that tomorrow is Friday
And everybody loves Friday
Do you know what else today is?
3 days til Christmas
Another reason to love today
I realize that 5k on Happening is unrealistic, so can we aim for 4.6?
Just a little more than 100 views
My goal is to update twice before Christmas
Please help keep me motivated!!!
I won't be updating as much as I could be cuz I still have school tomorrow (aka Christmas Eve Eve which should be considered a holiday). The first day of break I have is Christmas Eve Day and it sucks (especially cuz we usually have lots of snow and it's estimated that the little amount we have is going to melt within the next few days )
So... yeah
I really had no point in that message whatsoever...
If you made it to the end of this, I congratulate you
Have a Happy Holiday Season and a Great Winter Break
Stay Swaggy