
Just another update... I want you all to know that one of the members in HappyStarUniverse (the one who has unfortunately gone from our world) death anniversary is coming up... April 17, 2017 is the day she has gone. Please, always remember her...


@HappyStarUniverse Terribly sorry, there must have been a mistake. It was meant to say "March 15, 2017" Not April. Again, our deepest apologies.


Hey it’s me Pinkiewish33 but I’m now known as WishieAlice33. I have been missing you still. In the fandom of htf I named a happytreefriends high school after you. Things have been getting better but we still miss you. I hope your happy in heaven. You are a great friend and always will be to me and some others that truly miss you.


Just another update... I want you all to know that one of the members in HappyStarUniverse (the one who has unfortunately gone from our world) death anniversary is coming up... April 17, 2017 is the day she has gone. Please, always remember her...


@HappyStarUniverse Terribly sorry, there must have been a mistake. It was meant to say "March 15, 2017" Not April. Again, our deepest apologies.


          Hello happystaruniverse I know you haven't heard from me for a while I'm starting a new account all because forgot my password so I'm rewriting ever single thing I have written only this time I won't be losing my password or my stories don't worry I'm still doing the LiftyxSplendid oneshots I'm just getting low on ideas.