
          	No problem! BTW I love your glasses!!!!!


Alcatraz = World Famous prison
          Mickey D's = McDonalds <3 
          ^My cousins got me two today <3 I love those guys ^-^
          So today my mom makes some spanish food but I don't like the beans and I ask her if she can like remove them... I hate bean but I like the sauce. 
          But anyways I come home and my mom's listening actually no singing to Kings of Leon in shorts and a sports bra while my dad is in basketball short but with a bra on :| This was half an hour ago... and I can smell the sex in our game room. I told my dad that I want EVERYTHING cleaned. THEY HAD SEX IN MY FAVORITE ROOM -__-" WTFinkleHoppingTom I had to call my cousins though... they started crying from laughter. I think they had their 'bam bam' to get me angry -_- 
          THIS WAS 30minutes ago. I've been out of school for about 2 hours :3 -_- Those nincompoops. 
          Bah. My friend Kim is such a baby! Sometimes I wanna grab a ruler and smack her with it. Today we were going to the weight room (where you lift weights, I dunno if you call it something different) and she puts her ass-face... she wears like 50 pounds of makeup of btw. So were lifting weights and she drops one on my foot because she smuged her make up! NO! It was a 5 pound weight. Thank the lordy. Anyways this is why I don't wear make up at all. Well I'm lying I wear it once like every 7 months. I only wear makeup to formal events (my pic is from my cousins sweet 16)
          I got my dress for the  Masquerade ball at my school! I bought it on Etsy <3 I also bought some Hunger Games slip on Vans well my parents did but same difference. You should check it out their vintage clothing is AMAZING! & its like one of a kind especially the shoes. I got this really cute leather messenger bag from there last year too.
          I need to get my mask though, I'll try to post the pics up if my camera starts to work again.
          & JENNA MRBLES IS AMAZING! Yes I've seen like all of her videos well more like 75% Have you seen the Dope Handshake one? I do it all the time!