No one still cares, I had an anxiety attack yesterday during school. And I had one today during band. Okay, one person, and that person is that guy that (it seems) the whole school ships me with. Not my friends who were sitting right infront and beside me! Yay! Ugh. But today, legit NO ONE. The Percussion Section Leader, told me to get out of the closet and stop being a five year old while I was having one. I said no. She left, closed the door, and turned off the lights. I sat down in the corner, and hugged my knees. Shaking, and trying to clam down. Then SURPRISE The band director unlocked the door, and came in there and started yelling at me, forcing me to go back to do band. I was still having it, and I was getting a lot of weird looks. But after a while I had to find out how to calm myself down.