
Gonna be working at a Renaissance faire this summer! So excited and can’t wait to see what kind of inspiration it gives me! 


When are you gonna update how is it u so Henry can see Anna again 


I’m so sorry! I have plans and do write every now and then. It will be updated at some point but my life just got so busy. I train dogs for a living so it takes up a lot of time. I really appreciate the love though, because it’s these types of comments that keep me inspired to update again. 


Some of you may be wondering “Happyduck5...why haven’t you been updating??” 
          Well friends....I have been seeing his guy whom I am head over heels for....and he’s in the NAVY. Which means he had limited time to talk.... and that’s when on any normal day would be when I usually have the time to write. So here I am, video chatting him every night when he can and ignoring all other responsibilities . Then after we end the call I could obviously start getting back into the writing...but then I just sit there....Missing him. So um...I’m trying to be productive but I also have some writers block ahahha. 
          Update soon my people’s✌️


Lmao just had a fight in the comment section of my 5sos fanfic because someone kept correcting my spelling. This book is CLEARLY UNEDITED and is gonna stay that way. I wrote that ish in middle school. At least writers can respect and understand what each other goes through. 


@Happyduck5 LMFAO people can be stupid sometimes. If they paid any attention to the publication date then the person should've figured out you weren't going back to it lol. #SisterWinchester