
As you may know, a tragedy has struck Paris, and Japan, Beirut, Baghdad, and Mexico. 24 hours and we lost 115,200 heart beats. 150 lives in Paris lost to terrorists for no reason, earthquakes in Japan and Mexico, Beirut had a suicide bomb, and Baghdad had a funeral bombing.                                                            On Monday November 16 we wear black to remember the lives lost. Wear as much black as possible. Simply text back "I'm in" if you will wear black on Monday. Text everyone you know. And together, our schools will be a sea of black to remember all the lives lost.


As you may know, a tragedy has struck Paris, and Japan, Beirut, Baghdad, and Mexico. 24 hours and we lost 115,200 heart beats. 150 lives in Paris lost to terrorists for no reason, earthquakes in Japan and Mexico, Beirut had a suicide bomb, and Baghdad had a funeral bombing.                                                            On Monday November 16 we wear black to remember the lives lost. Wear as much black as possible. Simply text back "I'm in" if you will wear black on Monday. Text everyone you know. And together, our schools will be a sea of black to remember all the lives lost.